Another attack on America | ABOUT HEALTHY

Another attack on America

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Here it comes, yet an preference attack on an Americans NASCAR, hmmm! The left is at it all over again, sighting health problems at the race track, the left is making an preference visit smear an preference sport, long lines is additionally longer get a shot, step aside wait a 2d, whats next, soccer video games, baseball, little league and soccer Moms. Fans bigger be careful, the left with have you ever sitting on the couch picking what knitting needles to use They are attacking competition in all forms In schools you cant use Legos in view that your kid ought to build an even bigger condo, you cant say underneath god contained in the pledge in view that you just ought to offend Muslims, Phys Ed and recess is out, you cant boo another team at High School Football video games. And while the young adults get pissed off, we all know lets give them drug approaches, no wonder we have a drug hassle in America! The list goes on and on, Americans arent dull, we're at once on your dirty tricks

The latest attack on Turkey by Pelosi the Collaborator to derail supply lines to try against the struggle on terror with a view to a lot competitive handbook Americas enemies Yet an preference tactic to destroy the America we love I feel we had bigger take a closer read the leaders in Congress and beginning making them guilty to Americans and now not the enemy. Its so obtrusive to Americans; I nonetheless cant get that picture of my head of you sitting with our enemies in Syria. Yet you get bolder and bolder, letting your true colors show because of. You speak out of the two issue of your mouth to push the socialist agenda you use dirty tactics and character assignation You are Anti American in every sense of the word, Russia or Iran is additionally blissful to have you ever as a permanent resident Good Luck with your new life

And now Hilary is pushing Government 401Ks, yet an preference tactic to take sort out out of the private sector I was once stationed in Iceland in 1962. I worked with the Icelandic of us on a normal basis and we would have discussions concerning socialism vs capitalism. My Icelandic pal explained to me what happens to every greenback he made: 50 cents went to the govt, of the 50 cents left 15 cents went to a government saving account; he lived on what was once left Now if he crucial expense latitude from his savings, for any cause why, it had to plow because of a committee, getting on your expense latitude was once fairly lots unbelievable I asked if he owned his personal abode. The government owns every half, you will be able to a lot competitive lease property to build on and it in due course reverts again to the govt. So Hilary, what are your intentions, is 401Ks just an preference step to socialism?

Americans, we're at struggle with the left, its a try against to the finish. The bubble heads in Congress are putting off our rights, little by little, chipping away at the Constitution as it stands contained in the way in which of their agenda, which agree with me, doesnt reinforce American values. It a lot competitive takes a pen prick to burst their bubble, the pen is mighty than the sword. Americans you had bigger shop your eye on the ball or you should wake up in Russia or Iran That Dog Hunts!

Sissy the dictionary definition:

sissy Noun. 'sise. sissy noun; sissies plural noun; cissy noun; cissies plural noun a personal appeared as effeminate or cowardly.. synonyms: coward weakling milksop, namby-pamby, baby, wimp

Looking at ultra-glossy society there are a colossal extent of Sissies, they are in government, public schools, faculties, all varieties of media they use political correctness to shout down the reality, they write articles and blog constantly, continually driving character assassination and other tools to demonize those that aren't in step with their intellect set. Usually they are of us who have never held a real task, they are vulnerable minded of us nonetheless living in a world of academia. They twist statistics and make up lies, write a narrative, and then disappear into their cave, cover in the back of a rock, or in undeniable sight. When confronted with statistics they cover in the back of race or gender. Those who're in politics, issue step questions, constantly modification the subject matter. Common sense has no region of their world.Yep, Sissy is the right word. Yes, a equal vulnerable minds from a whole bunch of years ago are nonetheless with us these days, they must be sent to their rooms except they gain knowledge of to be adults...

Strong minds discuss standards, maximum main minds discuss moves, vulnerable minds discuss of us. ? Socrates Eleanor Roosevelt selected this as one her favorite sayings

Look at the list beneath and also you recognize Are Americans at War?

The following are excerpts from the congressional file of the usa forty five Points made into the Congressional Record on January 10, 1963 by FBI Agent W Cleon Skousen, who began his extensive read of Communism every single of the way in which because of his 16 years of provider. He wrote the book Naked Communism. Website:

21) Gain sort out of key positions in radio, TV & action images. 24) Eliminate all authorized regulations governing obscenity by calling them censorship and a violation of loose speech and loose press. 25) Break down cultural standards of morality by selling pornography, and obscenity in books, magazines, action images, radio and TV. 26) Present Homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, herbal, and healthful". 27) Infiltrate the churches and replace discovered religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the want for intellectual adulthood, which does now not want a "religious crutch" 28) Eliminate prayer or any section of religious expression contained in the colleges on the grounds that it violates the precept of "separation of church and state" 29) Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, ancient fashioned, out of step with up to this point wishes, a hindrance to cooperation amongst Nations on a international basis. 30) Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "normal man". 31) Belittle all varieties of American culture and discourage the instructing of American historical previous on the floor that it was once a lot competitive a minor a component of the colossal picture: Give more emphasis to Russian historical previous since the Communists 32) Support any socialist movement to give centralized sort out over any a component of the culture - - education, social suppliers, welfare classes, psychological health clinics, etc. 33) Eliminate all authorized regulations or approaches, which intervene with the operation of the Communist gear. 40) Discredit the loved ones as an group. Encourage promiscuity and convenient divorce. 41) Emphasize the must extend infants away from the negative influence of fogeys. Attribute prejudices, psychological blocks and retarding of infants to suppressive influence of fogeys. Has the Democratic Party advance into the Party of Hate and now aligned itself with the religion of Hate?

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