10 Best Catholic Colleges v 9 Billionaires Who Didn't Graduate High School What Is Higher Education | ABOUT HEALTHY

10 Best Catholic

Image source: https://harvestingthefruit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Top-Ten-Secrets-Catholic.jpg

Though USA Today included Georgetown University in the10 Best Catholic Colleges, they failed to mention a recent examplea Georgetown professor, Jonathan Brown, a convert to Islam, told an Islamic group there is no such thing as slavery. It makes one wonder where higher education is going with its great emphasis on diversity.

A growing number are wondering if the college education is worth the cost, especially when billionaires never graduated from high school. Theres a need to re-visit the topic of education.

Professor Florence Stratemeyer of Columbia Universitys Teachers College reviewed a book titled Education by Ellen White, saying the book was more than 50 years ahead of its time with advanced concepts that balanced the physical, mental and spiritual powers, and saw the need for character building. Though the word curriculum wasnt used, Stratemeyer said the book Education treated all important curriculum topics.

White defined education as the harmonious development of the physical, mental and spiritual power to prepare the student for service in this life and the higher joy of wider service in the world to come. She saw the need for work-study programs to balance mental input with physical exercise that was practical, one of the more important areas being agriculture!

The book, Education, shows how the Bible addresses all necessary topics for education, with biographies of the worlds greatest men, literature and poetry like the Psalms. Business principles in the Proverbs and history more ancient in which God didnt gloss over sin, and science is shown to have the same Author as the Bible and rightly understood, it is not conflict with Bible teaching. No wonder the Spanish word for library is bibliotecaBible tech!

While its still a free country and some parents choose to home school their children (which is how the National Spelling Bee winners are schooled) the book Education may be found online as a great guide to those parents who seek to do so. http://www.whiteestate.org/books/ed/ed.asp

Why should one pay tens of thousands of dollars to educate his children, only to find so much baloney in their curriculum from teachers whose understanding of life or social norms are so different from the morality that one rears his or her youth to have?

A retired physician, Richard Ruhling says about 80% of his college courses were unnecessary and he was too immature to appreciate the course in Education that used the above book as a text. As a pre-med student, he was more interested in facts of zoology and what a scutellum was, but now it fits better in his minds waste basket.

Based on that experience, most college students do not know what is best for them. He took calculus because he was a chemistry major, but he has nothing but contempt for it now, so much needless agony that gave him no practical value. And English literature. And college physics had very little new from what he learned in high school physics.

The bottom line is that if one can use the language well in speaking and writing, and if they learn some trade by which they can be gainfully employed, this could be done in high school and the need for college is suspect.

Ruhling learned typing with a roomful of girls, but says it was the most practical course he had in high school.

ABC 20/20: College Is a Rip-off https://youtu.be/V122ICNS8_0

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